Tuesday, August 17, 2010

La mitad del mundo!

Hey everyone!! Since I will be in Quito for 6 months I know some people really want to know what I am doing, hence I have decided to blog. I will try and write as often as I can, and upload as many pictures of course. For those that don't know me, but still want to follow me all I have to say is, I am flattered. So heres a little recap of what I have done since I have arrived, which was four days ago (August 14, 2010).

I know everyone should research a little about where ever you are planning on going, but I didn't really do that. On top of everything I never recieved information concerning my host family, which was fine but needless to say that when my flight landed in Quito I was surprised to be cold (it was 60 degrees F) and I was nervous to go out and not see a host family waiting for me. So as soon as i got through customs, got my luggage, changed into pants, and went through security, a man takes my luggage and buts it into a chart, I was so worried that I totally passed my host mom. However, we still managed to find each other. My host mother, Jackeline, is super cool and my dad, Jorge, has been really welcoming. They have three children, Katherin, Jonathan y Cristian. I live really close to the airport, but really far from school(as I am beinging to see, it took me 1hr and 35 mins to get home from school today).

Sunday was so much fun, my host mom took me to see "la mitad del mundo" which was so cool. The place I went is the actual place where the GPS was used to locate the zero latitude, which is in a museum. We paid $3 to go on the tour, which was so worth it, and got to do all these cool "tests" that you can do because of the physics of being on the equator. Here are some pictures:

This is one of the activites we did at the equator, as you can see the water swirls (north of the equator its counter clockwise and south of the equator its clockwise) but in "la mitad del mundo" the water goes straight down (I didnt get a picture, sorry). 

The red line is "la mitad del mundo" and it was definetly harder to walk in a straight line then when I tried to off the line because we have less gravity when on the equator.
Here I am trying to put an egg ontop of a nail, the guide did it in about 15 seconds....I failed.

Aqui estoy con mi host mom, en la mitad del mundo.

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